How To Be Better

The Happiness Project

The Happiness Project

Let’s be honest, life is hard. Existing as a complex biological organism with emotions, relationships, and external goals is hard. I’ve dealt with mental health struggles for my entire life, and for the last few years, it felt like there was no solution; there was no end to these problems constantly plaguing me. But then I reached out and got help. There's a whole world of programs and support groups just waiting to help you-and its accessible to everyone. 

My most recent individual and group therapy sessions have quite honestly changed my life. Being able to relate to people my age about mental and physical struggles was so incredibly validating and relieving. And compounding those sessions with one on one therapy has helped me process my emotions and be a better version of myself. 

The endless types of mental health programs and coping mechanisms and treatment acronyms can understandably be overwhelming. From my experience, however, there ss a very simple entry into all of these confusing programs and groups: therapy. Try to dissuade all of your expectations about therapy. Quite honestly, everyone should be in therapy. No two experiences will be the same just as no two people are the same, so it can be anything from telling an unbiased third party about your qualms, to processing your experiences with trauma and abuse. The most important thing to remember is that you deserve help. No matter your experiences or the severity of your problems-you deserve health and wellness. 

I started by finding a therapist. This can be done by asking your primary doctor for therapy referrals, looking up local therapists and contacting them directly, or asking your insurance for covered therapy programs. Buzzfeed has an easy and comprehensive guide on finding a therapist, which you can access here called “A Beginner's Guide To Starting Therapy”.

Even if you don’t have insurance or can’t afford traditional therapy, there are still options still available for you. The first thing to do if you have insurance is to call them directly and ask what mental health services they cover. From there you can look into what programs are covered and which would be best for you. Otherwise, you can look into therapists who work on a sliding scale price who will lower the cost, such as with BetterHelp online therapy. There are also free therapy programs you can access through local colleges, jobs, or any local therapists willing to take on clients free of charge. One of my favorite options is joining free or cheap group that provides support in different, but wonderful ways. If you want to look into any of these or other programs, check out another Buzzfeed article on affordable therapy options here.

Things can be absolutely overwhelming. But I promise you that it can get better. Please advocate for yourself and for those you love to access professional mental and physical health services. Everyone deserves wellness, and everyone’s struggles are valid. Good luck on your journey, and I wish you the best.

Sarah LeClair Comment