There Will Always Be Dishes in the Sink

Julianna Schweitzer//Pic Collage

Julianna Schweitzer/Pic Collage

There will always be dishes in the sink.

You can finish washing them, but another will shortly follow;

And just as soon as that plate glimmers, a new soup bowl will clatter atop the drain.

There will always be something to do.

You can complete your checklist, but more chores will soon dust the agenda;

Bad once another scribble marks the paper, your boss will be calling about Friday’s deadline.

We strive so tremendously to appreciate hard work, that we forget the cost;

As communities fill with booze and low motivation;

Hard work has become don’t you dare stop ‘til you physically drop.

No human thrives when overwhelmed.

It has become a personality trait to sleep three-hour nights;

The struggle is real, they say, but they shouldn’t have to say.

So, as fatigue may burden your brain and burnout may plague your belly,

Need not forget to validate the valid;

That you try each day to participate in the world as a stunning representation of humanity.

May society remember to be gentle upon its people,

As we toil through the trauma,

Agony leeching on our necks while we feed it our tears.

And though you may bite your tongue through the pain,

Don’t munch down too mercilessly,

Because you will soon find joy in the jump.

There will always be dishes in the sink,

Perhaps even an unexpected pot or two,

But you will always be ready to clean them.

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